*bank transfers will likely have the lowest fees, definitely lower than online payments
Here is the bank info you'll need for a bank transfer within Germany or Europe:
Account holder: Jugend mit einer Mission Nürnberg e.V. IBAN: DE72 7605 0101 0012 8422 17 BIC: SSKNDE77XXX Memo: Your full name and the program name (example: Max Miller, DTS Fall 2025)
International bank transfer
For international bank transfers, we suggest using a service called Wise. They provide a reliable and affordable way to send money internationally: https://wise.com/
Once you start an account with Wise, here are the details you will need to send money via Wise:
Charity Name: Jugend mit einer Mission Nürnberg e.V Country: Germany City: Nuremberg Address: Pillenreuther Str. 13 Postal Code: 90459 IBAN: DE72 7605 0101 0012 8422 17 Email:info@ywamnuremberg.com
Note: Your full name and the program name (example: Max Miller, DTS Fall 2025)
3. In cash, Euros only
At the beginning and a few times throughout the DTS there will be opportunities to pay program fees in cash. *Depending on your ATM withdrawal fee, this could be the method with the lowest fees. Cash payment is not possible for Application Fees.
When are program fees due?
The Application Fee is due when you submit the program application.
For DTS:
Week 2 = 50% of the lecture phase fee is due.
Week 4 = 100% of the lecture phase fee is due.
Week 6 = 50% of the outreach phase fee is due.
Week 8 = 100% of the outreach phase fee is due.
For SBS:
Week 3 = 50% of the quarter fee is due.
Week 10 = 100% of the quarter fee is due.
*You can always pay earlier, but these are the deadlines. Talk with your program leader if you need an adjustment in your payment timeline.