Your DTS Guide
From how to choose a DTS
to what DTS life looks like
and how to prepare for your DTS.
Here is everything you want to know about DTS!

What is a DTS?
A Discipleship Training School, or DTS for short, is a 5-6 month missions school with two goals: knowing God and making Him known. It is an immersive, communal training program that will help you to know God more deeply and live more like Jesus, all while you explore missions and your calling.
DTS equips you to carry a missional mindset and bring the Gospel, the good news about Jesus, to various nations, peoples, tribes, and languages – not just during your DTS, but also on into the rest of your life.
What does a typical week of DTS look like?
Who is DTS for?
The short answer, everyone! The majority of people choose to do their DTS between the ages of 18 and 26, but don't worry if you fall outside of this range. DTS is open to people of all ages, whether you're older or younger.
There are more than 600 YWAM locations world-wide and loads of specialized DTSs. Did you know there is a Cowboy DTS, an Deaf World DTS that runs in ASL and JSL, Family DTSs specifically designed with all ages in mind, a Legacy DTS for those in their 50s, 60s, 70+ There have been DTSs run in prisons and there are DTSs on ships.
There is really no limit to where you can meet with God or who God can speak to.
Don't get overwhelmed with all the options, we will help you choose the best DTS for you in the next section.
Is a DTS worth my time and money?
That's up to you to decide. Here is what Jonathan had to say about his DTS…
I never imagined that this time would impact me so much! I got to know God better and myself. In DTS I discovered my calling and stepped more and more into what God has planned for my life.
- Jonathan, 19 (Germany), DTS Student
What is included in the DTS fees?
While the learning format in DTS is not like a typical university class, each week we will hear from a different guest speaker. Who teaches in DTS?
Did you know that DTS is the prerequisite course to all University of the Nations degree programs?
A huge part of the DTS experience is living together in community.
At YWAM Nuremberg our DTS student dorms are right next to our main building. You'll share a room with 3 to 7 of your fellow DTS students.
Housing during outreach is also fully included, whether it's a hostel or church floor or tent. We will live together as an outreach team.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner are all included as part of DTS. But mealtimes are so much more than being fed. Community is built over meals.
Have lunch with the guest speaker, try foods from the home nations or your fellow DTS students, get to know all the YWAMers on base, meals are the best place to slow down and connect.
Travel to the outreach location
We will travel to and from the outreach location as a team. We'll book flights and trains together and those are all covered by the DTS outreach fees.
What's not included?
Travel to and from Nuremberg
We are coming from all over the world, for some it'll be 36 hours of flights and for others it could be 2 hours by train.
The price will vary too much person-to-person for it to be included in the DTS fees.
Health insurance
If you don't already have insurance that covers you internationally, we can suggest Talent-Trust's outreach plan to cover you for time of DTS.
Mention "YWAM Germany" in the "How did you hear about us?" line and you could get a discount of up to 30%.
Personal stuff and fun extras
Do you want to explore Germany for a weekend? Or hit the bouldering hall? Run out of toothpaste? Need to do your laundry. That last one's not a question - the time will come to wash your clothes.
Personal items, free time activities and snacks are not covered by your DTS fees.
Visa to enter Germany (if required)
Not everyone needs a visa in order to enter Germany, but if you do these costs are also your responsibility.
Do you need a visa to enter Germany?
Look for your country on the list on Germany's Foreign Office website and shoot us a message if you are still unsure.
Hey Daniel, why did you do DTS?
I wanted to grow closer to God and get a deeper foundation for my faith. I didn't want to start Uni without being in line with my purpose.
- Daniel, 19 from New Zealand, Spain & Germany

Choosing a DTS
So you already know you want to attend a Discipleship Training School (DTS), but you’re in the process of finding the one for you. I know it can be overwhelming and intimidating because you want to make sure you’re making the right decision - these are the next six months of your life after all ;)
5 tips to help you pick the best DTS for you!
There are hundreds of DTSs all over the world with different focuses that might line up with the things you’re passionate about. Take time to think about your interests and if there’s anything that sticks out to you as something you could glorify God with.
Ask yourself, “Is there a specific country or cultural experience that would be best for me or that I would enjoy?” “Would I rather stay in my home nation or travel abroad?”
After you think about these things, visit the website. There’s a tool that comes in handy while deciding where to do your DTS. You just plug in the regions of the world you have an interest or heart for, select any and all passions you have, and go! More likely than not, you’ll have quite a few options to choose from.
I know it seems a bit cheesy, but often we get so ahead of ourselves that we forget to ask God what He wants. You already have a relationship with Him and He loves when you come to Him. I would highly recommend you ask God what DTS He wants you to be at and also just remember to involve Him in your entire process.
I would highly recommend writing an email or Instagram DM to the YWAM location you’re considering to see if you can set up a time to talk on the phone (if you’re into that) or continue emailing back and forth until you make a decision. They can offer you more insight and answer questions you may have!
Is every DTS the same? Are they all good?
Each DTS is unique. Even if you're going to the same DTS in the same location your best friend went to last year, it's going to be different. God is calling together a specific group of people to a specific time and place, each with their own stories and passions and callings, but all for the same purpose. It's a once in a lifetime moment.
Where is the best DTS?
There are some great places to do a DTS…and some that are not so great. Beyond comparing the various Instagram accounts, here are 3 things to look for when deciding on a YWAM location to do your DTS.
What is the vision of the YWAM center you are thinking about doing a DTS with? What are they all about? What outreach projects do they have? It's important that you feel like you fit and are excited with the vision of the YWAM center. If you're looking to go on a specific kind of outreach project, make sure the YWAM base has that type of ministry or works with that particular group of people. If that YWAM location doesn’t work with a specific people or have the focus you are looking for... make sure that they are a place that gives room for NEW things to happen!
Look for a YWAM center that is innovative, creative, and loves stepping out in obedience to what God is speaking. After all, Darlene Cunningham (the co-founder of YWAM) defines YWAM as:
"YWAM is young people going everywhere, doing new things in creative and different ways."
- Darlene Cunningham
If YWAM is all about young people going everywhere, doing new things in creative and different ways, like Darlene says... there better not only be young people at a YWAM center, but young people being released in leadership and responsibility. When we say young we mean roughly under 25.
A YWAM center that makes space for the younger generation, makes space for growth and creativity. If a DTS is all about growing with God, it is important to know that there is space to make mistakes and not be perfect. A YWAM center without young people often lacks the ability for people to "go and do NEW things in new ways."
Find a YWAM center that is communicating and sharing about what they are doing! And a YWAM location that answers your messages in helpful ways!
What is this YWAM location talking about on social media? What is they writing in their newsletters? How helpful is their email communication?
If a YWAM center is not talking about its programs or projects, it might not be a place where anything is happening. A YWAM center with nothing happening... is not a great place to do a DTS. A YWAM location with quality communication shows what it is doing, the lives it is impacting, and helps you get an idea of what your DTS will be like and what sorts of projects you will have the opportunity to work with.
Hannah, why did you do DTS?
Honestly, I needed to get away from my parents (they know), to reconnect with faith and figure out what to do with my life.
- Hannah, 18 from New Zealand

How to apply for DTS
- Go to the website of the YWAM location you want to attend.
- Find the APPLY button and fill out the online application.
- Talk to your reference people. Your references could be your small group leader, pastor, close friend, sibling, teacher, etc. Talk with them about why you want to do DTS and give them the link to the reference form.
- Wait to hear back from the DTS team. If you are applying at YWAM Nuremberg the wait will only be a day or two - we just need to hear from your reference people first.

What does DTS look like?
DTS is an immersive, communal training program typically split into two phases, lecture and outreach.
While that sounds like we study during the first half and serve in the second half, in reality the two phases are much more blended with training, practical experience, inputs and outreach throughout the whole DTS. The program structure of DTS is a live-learn environment. Meaning we not only learn together in a classroom setting, but also from each other as we share meals, ideas, talents and spaces. It's about learning and growing in character as well as wisdom.
We will be coming from different nations, cultures, denominations and generations, all gathered around a common focus and goal: knowing God more deeply and making Him known in all spaces and places.
Lecture Phase
Lecture/teaching/training phase, it can be called different things, but it's the first half of DTS and it's all about the mind and the heart. Most often these weeks will be onsite at the YWAM Center. A typical lecture phase is about 3 months long.
Each week we'll hear from different speakers, teachers and missionaries on a variety of topics. Who? What topics?
These weeks are packed full of great learning and serving opportunities that will allow you to grow into deeper dependence and relationship with Jesus.
What to expect?
- 12 hours of teaching each week, 16 in a bilingual DTS
- To be both challenged and encouraged by the teachings
- Daily times of worship, prayer and meeting with God
- To hear from God and gain understanding of His call for our life
- Living in community, "Wait. Where will I be living?"
- Small groups and one-on-ones to help you reflect and connect what you're learning to what God is doing in your life
Breakfast and Time with God
Developing a rhythm of meeting with God will carry you through DTS and beyond. Use this time to process with God what you're learning, speak and listen to Him in prayer, sit with Him in stillness. This might be one of the simplest parts of the day, but also one of the richest.
Worship in a missions school? Yes! Absolutely! There is something so powerful about singing together and gaining God's heart for His people, all people!
Other days this could be an intercession time, where we pray together for a nation or people group, a workshop or community event.
Teaching with Guest Speaker
Each week a different person will share from their experience and knowledge about who God is, life with Him and missions.
It is the most formal part of the day but is always interactive with room for dialogue and questions. Don't worry we won't just sit in chairs for 3 hours straight ;)
We all come together at lunchtime to eat, yes, but also community is built over meals. This is the best time of the day to discuss the morning's teaching with the speaker, or share life experiences with your classmates, or dream together about what God might be calling you into. Good food and good conversation, that makes a good lunch.
Work Duties
One part of living in community is working together to keep our spaces clean and contributing to the running of the community. Maybe you'll be sweeping the dining room, washing the front windows, prepping tomorrow's lunch, cleaning bathrooms, or going on the legendary "Bread Run." You'll also be practicing leadership, growing in responsibility, teamwork and communication.
Local Outreach
We don't just wait for Outreach Phase to share Jesus. There are people around us in need of the Gospel wherever we are! Local Outreach could be speaking in a youth group, praying for someone at the train station, playing soccer with teens in the neighborhood, teaching an art class for refugee kids, the possibilities are endless!
Other afternoons we might have small groups, outreach team prep, workshops or activities. If your DTS has a track or special focus that might come out more strongly in these types of activities.
Family Dinner
We always eat dinner together as a DTS and sometimes we make a bigger deal about it by cooking together and sharing culture, food and traditions from our home nations.
Game Night?
Community life doesn't end with scheduled's up to you and your fellow DTS students to create what the free times outside the schedule become.
What about the weekends?
During lecture phase, most weekends are typically free (at least at YWAM Nuremberg, but each DTS creates its own schedule and rhythms). Use the weekend how you feel you need to relax, recover and re-energize.
Maybe you need to recover from the week by doing your laundry and sorting your thoughts. Or you've been itching to spend hours outside biking along the river - cool! Or you could get to know the city by going to a cafe and museum with your roommates. Need more adventure? There are tons of train connections through Nuremberg, spend the day in the Frankenjura or the weekend in Salzburg or Berlin. Do whatever gets you ready for a new week of teaching and growing!
Who teaches in DTS?
Each week new guest speakers come in to teach in the DTS classroom.
These speakers are not only theoretical experts on the topics, they live out what they teach. We will learn together from a variety of teachers whose stories and insights bring not only head knowledge, but life transformation.
Who are they?
A mixture of local and international - missionaries, ministry leaders and pastors - younger and older - some working in YWAM others working in other Christian ministries and networks.
They come from different contexts and some of our guest speakers may even contradict each other on certain points - and that’s okay!
Hearing from people from different church backgrounds and with different theological views gives us all the opportunity to think carefully and critically. To really dig in and process, discover and articulate what we believe, rather than accepting everything we hear as an untouchable truth.
Questions are welcome in the classroom and having the speakers come to us to teach means that there are many opportunities to sit down over lunch or with a coffee to ask your questions and delve into the topics more!
What do they teach about?
A whole bunch of different things! Here are some potential topics in your DTS:
- How to hear God's voice
- Intimacy with Jesus
- How to encounter God in the Bible
- The Kingdom of God
- Holy Spirit and His gifts
- How to renew your mind
- The power of prayer and intercession
- How to share the Gospel
- Repentance and forgiveness
- Worldviews and what is a Biblical one
- Discovering your gifts and calling
- The Great Commission/Missions Mandate
What do the DTS staff do?
While the speakers come and go each week, the DTS staff are with you through the whole DTS! They are the ones setting up this whole DTS and preparing for your arrival. They will be leading the classroom, small groups and local outreach, and involved in all things DTS.
You'll get paired with a staff member for one-on-one discipleship, basically this is just another opportunity reflection and processing to help you grow throughout the DTS. There will be a whole mix of internal and external processors in the DTS.
All YWAM staff members have completed a DTS - so your staff not only have DTS training but their own DTS experiences to draw from. They've all been in your shoes ;)
Your DTS staff will also become your outreach leaders for the second half of DTS, Outreach Phase!

Outreach Phase
Outreach phase is the second half of DTS and it’s all about reaching out to people with the love of Jesus! This is where we really get to put into practice what we’ve been learning all throughout lecture phase. All while continuing to learn about the diversity of cultures and God’s purposes for the places you’ll visit and people you will meet. A typical oureach phase is 2 months long.
There is a whole world of outreach locations! Some DTSs will have already decided where the outreach will go, others will share the outreach locations after you arrive. As YWAM Nuremberg we typically take our outreach teams to the 10/40 Window because that’s where the need is the greatest. Some possible locations include: Nepal, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Thailand, Tajikistan, Indonesia, Egypt, and Kenya. What is the 10/40 Window?

Who decides the locations? How do they/we decide?
The outreach locations are chosen by the missionaries at the YWAM location running the DTS. A combination of prayer, talking with long-term missionaries in the possible countries, current events, and long-term strategy of the YWAM location all come together when deciding where to send DTS outreach teams. Often YWAM locations send outreach teams to the some of the same countries year after year. This can be a really cool way to continuously pour into a nation or people group and really helps when building relationship with long-term missionaries in that region. It’s so neat to go back to a neighborhood and see the impact of the seeds planted by the DTS team the year before!
When will I know where I’m going?
Sometimes the outreach location is already defined by the focus of the DTS, for example a Summer Olympics DTS would be going to Paris in 2024 or a DTS with YWAM Ships would be likely be going to the Pacific Islands or at least somewhere coastal. But more often the outreach locations are not known from the name of the DTS. In both cases there was a process in deciding where to send a team.
How you find out the locations looks different in each DTS, but most often the outreach locations will be announced in the first few weeks of DTS. Maybe there’s just one location and everyone is going there or maybe there will be seven different teams and seven locations. When there are multiple options what usually happens is something like this… In the first couple weeks of the DTS you will learn about hearing God’s voice, and this is a time to practice that! In prayer you’ll ask God for direction on where you should go for outreach (usually the location options would already be announced). You’ll share what you felt with the DTS staff team. And then the DTS leaders will put all the pieces together, pray and create the outreach teams.
It can feel like a high pressure moment and you might be feeling all sorts of emotions, but take a breath and remember, God’s heart is for every person on earth, He is already at work in every nation and He will go with you no matter what country that might be!
Are the DTS outreach locations safe?
There is always and element of risk when traveling internationally. You will travel with your outreach team, your outreach leaders will have made housing arrangements and prior plans with missionaries working on the field in the outreach nations.
The YWAM DTS leadership takes your safety very seriously especially during the outreach phase. We are constantly reading about what is happening in the region and talk with missionaries working in the area to determine risk factors. If something does come up before or during the outreach, YWAM is very quick to respond and ensure the safety of every member of the outreach team.
If one of the outreach locations is considered high risk, there will also be a lower risk location available too.
A Typical Day in DTS Outreach Phase
Since outreaches are in a wide variety of countries and cultures, an average day on one team might look totally different to the other, but to give you an idea, a day on outreach could look something like this:
Wake Up and Personal Quiet Time
Developing a rhythm of meeting with God will carry you through DTS and beyond. Use this time to process with God what you're experiencing, speak and listen to Him in prayer, sit with Him in stillness. This might be one of the simplest parts of the day, but also one of the richest.
Breakfast and Team Time
Every day after breakfast your team gathers. You are sharing today's devotional and then your outreach leader reminds everyone of the plans for the day. As a team you spend time in prayer for the nation.
Renovating a Community Center
The community center got a new roof, now to finish up the renovation the rooms need cleaning and a fresh coat of paint. You team helps finish up this project.
We still eat our meals together on outreach. The style of food might be something different but connecting over mealtimes in an important part of community in every culture.
Preparing Programing
Next week programming starts up again at the community center. Your team will run a soccer camp as well as English classes. You spend an hour preparing your lessons and the messages you will share with the groups.
You're all still sweaty and covered in paint from the morning's activity at the community center. You take the rest of the afternoon to rest and freshen up for the evening events.
Dinner with Local Pastor
Dinner tonight is at a local pastor's house. You meet the family and hear about the growth the church is experiencing among the refugee community.
Worship and Prayer Meeting
After dinner your team heads over with the pastor to the church. Your teams is leading the weekly worship and prayer meeting.
Connecting with Local Believers
After the prayer meeting your team stays around to chat with some of the local church members. You hear about their excitement for the reopening of the community center and how has impacted the local community.
What will we do on outreach?
Again this totally depends on where you are, what is possible and what missionaries and churches your team is working with.
Here is a list of a bunch of things your team could do on outreach:
- teach and mentor kids in schools
- share a sermon during a church service while half your team is teaching the kids and teens in Sunday School
- speak in a youth group encouraging teens to share their faith
- host a Jesus Film event for refugees, followed up with weekly Bible studies for further discipleship
- partner with a new church plant to help them connect with every person in their neighborhood
- culture lessons from long-term missionaries working in the area
- talk about Jesus with students on University campuses
- sort clothing donations outside a refugee transit center
- run a soccer camp in rural area and teaching the kids about building team unity
- create a drama to present the Gospel in the town plaza
- meet elderly people in nursing homes, hearing their stories and offering prayer
- serve lunch at a children’s home before playing a spirited game of capture the flag with all the kids
- offer free prayer or hugs (a DTS team had a really cool interaction with 2 police officers while doing this)
- prayer walking through the city
- help rebuild houses destroyed by war or weather
- dig waterlines for a widow
- make balloon animals and puppet shows for kids in hospital
- start a new ministry to meet a need you see

Debrief after Outreach
Debriefing, processing, or reflecting on major experiences in our lives can bring closure and so much more depth to the learning and personal changes that took place. After DTS outreach there will always be a few days of debrief. These days are lead by a debriefer, someone from outside your outreach team, who is there to listen and ask questions. They will walk your team through times of reflection on all that happened, celebration of what God did, conflict resolution (if needed), and opportunities to share growth you’ve seen in yourself and one another.
And after DTS? What’s next?! 👉 Live out your calling!
Mona, why did you do DTS?
I did DTS after university to travel a bit before getting stuck in the day-to-day of work.
I did not expect that going on a mission trip to Ethiopia would redirect my career path and sharpen my understanding of purpose in my life.
- Mona, from Germany

Preparing for Your DTS
After you've applied and been accepted into a DTS you'll receive an "Acceptance Packet" or something along those lines. This will include the specific information you need to prepare for your DTS.
Here's a quick checklist of things to do to prepare for you DTS:
- communicate with your pastors/mentors about your DTS
- fundraise for your DTS
- figure out your health insurance
- pick your emergency contact person
- get all of your needed immunizations
- get your passport, double check the expiration date!
- book your flights! (and trains, buses, etc.)
- pack your bags
You probably have a ton of questions about DTS. You're not alone! Here are the answers to a bunch of frequently asked questions. And hey, if you have another question, shoot us a message and ask!
DTS - Applications - YWAM Beliefs - UofN - Families - Finances - DTS Living - Preparation - Visitors
1. What YWAM locations offer DTS?
There are more than 400 DTSs currently advertised in over 170 different YWAM training locations. Tons of options!
2. Is DTS only for those wanting to go into full-time missions?
No, God is not calling everyone into full-time missionary work. But at the same time the Great Commission is a call to all Christians whatever their career might be. We encourage each DTS student to discover their call as they follow God's lead. The world needs strong God-seeking believers working and leading in every area of society.
Many of our students have gone on to be teachers, social workers, youth workers, graphic designers, engineers. Some are working in finance, retail, as pilots, chefs, pediatric nurses and service dog trainers. Others are studying medicine, theology and law or are working with international NGOs like IJM.
These past students meet people in their professions that missionaries or pastors may never meet. And they are able to create and make decisions that impact society outside the scope of the church. Great Commission-minded Christians can change the world!
3. Should I do DTS before or after college?
Both are totally possible! In fact you can do DTS in any season of life.
DTS fits perfectly in those in-between seasons: after high school before Uni, as a break from Uni when you feel directionless and don't know what major to pick, after Uni before entering the workplace.
But, we do highly encourage doing DTS right after high school. Use that first year out on your own to grow strong roots, establish a solid Biblical foundation, and discover your passions. Then after DTS you can jump into Uni with better footing and direction!
4. Can I get college credit for my DTS?
The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is one of many courses registered with the University of the Nations (UofN). Successful completion of a YWAM DTS will get you 20 UofN credits. To find out if a college accepts UofN transfer credits, contact the institution directly.
5. Is DTS different from Bible College?
While both DTS and Bible College aim to equip believers to take their place in the Great Commission, the method is going to be one of the biggest differences between the two.
Bible College will offer a more academic, informational, in-depth study of the Bible. DTS is hands-on, transformational learning, full of application and cross-cultural experiences. DTS is all about discipleship. Becoming more like Jesus in the way we relate to God and people.
6. Is there a shorter DTS?
No, every DTS includes at least 11 weeks of lecture and 8 weeks of outreach. DTSs can be longer to include more lecture and/or more outreach weeks, but 5 months is the shortest DTS you will find.
7. Can you do DTS online/virtually?
No, hands-on training and in-person discipleship is key to every DTS.
1. How do I apply for DTS?
The DTS you’re looking to apply for will have an APPLY button on its webpage. Starting you application is as easy as clicking that button.
2. Is there an application fee?
Yes, most DTSs have an application fee. At YWAM Nuremberg it’s 60€ and due once you finish filling out your application.
3. When is the application deadline?
You’ll have to check with the YWAM base you’re applying with to find out if there is an application deadline.
But especially if you need to book international flights or apply for a visa before coming, it’s good to apply earlier.
At YWAM Nuremberg we do not have an application deadline. But for your planning and ours, it’s nice to have a couple months to prepare for your DTS.
4. How will I know if I've been accepted?
The DTS team will let you know via email.
5. Why haven't I heard back about my application?
It’ll usually just be a couple days until you hear from us. We do need to hear from your references before processing your application, sometimes that’s what is holding us up. You can always email us to ask about your application status!
6. Is there an age requirement to attend?
For most DTSs around the world the minimum age is 17. If you’re under 17 and have already finished high school, let’s chat to see if DTS could already be a good fit for you now!
7. Do I have to come from a Christian background to do DTS?
No, following Jesus doesn't have to "run in the family" and there aren't any prerequisites for DTS. If your desire is to experience more of God DTS is the right place for you.
8. How long do I have to have been a Christian to do DTS?
No time is too short. The Christian journey is not about length of time but depth of heart. Even if you met Jesus today you can come to DTS!
9. Do I need to be Christian to do DTS?
If you're on the edge about deciding to follow Jesus or feeling stagnant in your faith, DTS is a great place to experience God!
Shoot us a message and let's chat! We do want you to know that DTS is a Christian missions training.
10. What if I don't have any missionary experience?
No problem! We will cover everything you need to know about sharing the Gospel. Let's go together!
11. What if I don't speak English?
There are DTSs running in many different languages around the world and also a bunch of bilingual/trilingual DTSs. Do you need help finding a DTS in a language you speak? Let us know and we can help you find a DTS in your language.
At YWAM Nuremberg knowing English OR German is required for DTS, but we’ve also got Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic speakers on staff.
1. What is YWAM's statement of faith?
We of Youth With A Mission believe in God–Father, Son and Holy Spirit–and that the Bible is God’s inspired and authoritative Word, revealing that Jesus Christ is God’s Son, fully God and fully human; that people are created in God’s image; that He created us to have eternal life through Jesus Christ; that although all people have sinned and come short of God’s glory, God has made salvation possible through the incarnation, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ; that repentance, faith, love and obedience are fitting responses to God’s initiative of grace toward us through the active ministry of the Holy Spirit; that God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth; and that the Holy Spirit’s power is demonstrated in and through us for the accomplishment of Christ’s last commandments, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone” (Mark 16:15 NLT) and “Go and make disciples of all the nations…” (Matthew 28:19 NLT).
2. Do all YWAM locations believe and teach the same thing?
Yes, each YWAM location has it's own expression of ministry projects and schools, but all hold the same statement of faith, core beliefs and foundational values.
Read YWAM's Core Beliefs and 18 Foundational Values.
The teachers/speakers in each DTS are different, but there is a curriculum for DTS and all DTSs will cover those topics.
3. What denomination is YWAM?
Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is an international movement of Christians from many denominations dedicated to presenting Jesus personally to this and future generations, to mobilizing as many as possible to help in this task, and to the training and equipping of believers for their part in fulfilling the Great Commission.
YWAM is international and interdenominational in its global scope as well as its local forms. We believe that ethnic, linguistic and denominational diversity, along with redeemed aspects of culture, are positive factors that contribute to the health and growth of the Mission.
1. What is the UofN?
The University of the Nations (UofN) aims to equip students to serve in all spheres of society and in all nations. The goal of the UofN is to teach students how to apply biblical truth practically and to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). Not theory alone, but the development of character and personality and practical experience are the main focus of the UofN.
The UofN offers Associate’s degrees, Bachelor’s degrees, and Master’s degrees from its seven colleges. The seven colleges have been designed to bring God’s truth and hope to the seven most influential areas of society. These colleges are:
- College of the Arts and Sports
- College of Christian Ministries
- College of Communication
- College of Counseling and Health Care
- College of Education
- College of Humanities and International Studies
- College of Science and Technology
There are also six interdisciplinary centers:
- Community Development Centre
- The Centre for Discipleship Training Schools
- The Family Resource Centre
- The Student Mobilization Centre
- The GENESIS Centre
- The Centre for European Studies
2. How is YWAM connected to the UofN?
The UofN is a ministry of YWAM. Courses you take on YWAM campuses are part of a global university called The University of the Nations.
Not all seminars or shorter trainings in YWAM will award UofN credits.
3. Does everyone start with DTS?
The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is the entry-level prerequisite for all other courses and all degree programs with the UofN.
1. Can I do DTS if I'm married and/or have kids?Yes!
2. Can I bring my children to DTS? Can families do DTS?
Yes, YWAM’s values place a strong emphasis on family, we believe a call to missions is a call for the whole family, not just one parent. DTS is a great experience for the whole family, but not every DTS is structured in a way that is ideal for families. Check out specifically focussed Family DTSs if you’re planning to do DTS as a family. There are many Family DTSs at different YWAM locations around the world.
3. Can I do DTS without my spouse and/or kids?
No, YWAM’s values place a strong emphasis on family, we believe a call to missions is a call for the whole family, not just one parent. 6 months is a long time to be apart as a family and it is a calling-shaping time. DTS is not a time for retreat or to get away from the rhythms of family life.
4. Does DTS cost extra for a family?
That’s a great question to ask the YWAM base you’re applying at.
5. Can single parents do DTS?
Yes, definitely!
6. Is there childcare available?
Depends on the YWAM location. At YWAM Nuremberg, there is no childcare available. Bringing a nanny with your family for DTS could be a solution.
7. Can I start dating during DTS?
We love relationships, however the DTS is a time for you to be equipped for missions and for strengthening your relationship with God. You can more fully focus what God has for you during these short 6 months if you are not navigating a new relationship. There will be so many fun people to meet and friends to make during DTS.
8. What if I'm already dating or engaged before DTS?
You can still do DTS! You could either both come as students to the DTS or work it out long-distance for the time of DTS.
1. How much does a YWAM DTS cost?
The range of DTS prices is very wide. We know DTSs that cost $400 (370€) and others that reach beyond $10,000 (9100€).
The price of DTS at YWAM Nuremberg ranges from $5450-6550 (4960-5960€). The exact price depends on the outreach location.
2. Why does the price of DTS vary so much?
Running costs can vary greatly from place to place and especially from country to country.
Each YWAM location will allocate DTS funds differently depending on the structure of the location and the focuses of the DTS.
The exact costs of specific DTSs can be found on that YWAM location's website.
3. Why is YWAM DTS so expensive?
DTS fees cover a lot of, housing, international teachers/speakers, UofN registration and ministry supplies during lecture phase. And all of that on outreach, including your outreach flights.
You could call it "all inclusive" - it covers pretty much everything!
4. What don't DTS fees cover?
Your transportation to and from the main DTS location (where you lecture phase is), health insurance, personal items, free time activities and snacks.
5. When are payments due?
You'll need to ask your DTS team this question. This can vary greatly from DTS to DTS.
6. How do I pay?
Check with your DTS team. They probably have a couple options, but they will have the correct info and links.
7. What is the refund policy?
Every DTS will have a refund policy, but the exact policies are not universal. Ask your DTS team.
8. What if I do not have all my DTS fees?
For some DTSs the fees are due in full by day one, in other schools there are a few deadlines for fees throughout the DTS.
Reach out to your DTS team, they would love to walk with you through the process of fundraising for your DTS and will stand with you in prayer to see God provide!
9. Are there any scholarships or financial assistance available?
This varies among YWAM locations.
Some YWAM locations use a tiered DTS fee structure based on the UofN financial country categories.
Some YWAM locations have scholarships available to assist with outreach fees.
But not all YWAM locations are able to offer financial assistance. Every YWAM staff member and YWAM ministry exists financially thanks to the support of donors and partners.
10. Can people give towards my DTS fees?
Yes, absolutely! Many students fundraise for their DTS.
Don't know how to fundraise? Check out our Fundraising Guide.
How should they give?
- They can give to you directly however you'd like to do that (cash, Venmo, Cash App, Paypal, etc).
- Give through the YWAM location could also be possible, contact your DTS team to find out how.
11. Is DTS tuition tax-deductible?
No, contributions to your DTS tuition is not tax-deductible.
12. How can I raise money for my DTS?
Check out our Fundraising Guide!
13. Can I work during the DTS?
No, DTS is a full-time program and you want to be able to put 100% of your time and energy into your DTS. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime season, don’t miss the opportunity to put your all in.
1. Is housing provided during DTS?
Yes, housing is definitely provided and organized by the DTS. A huge part of DTS is community - and that's so much easier to build when everyone lives and eats together!
Housing for couples or families could look a bit different depending on the facilities at a particular YWAM base. This is a good question for families to ask when deciding where to do DTS.
2. What is the housing like?
In most cases DTS housing will be dorm-style housing. Think a few bunkbeds in your room with a shared bathroom on the floor.
In Nuremberg you'll have 3-7 roommates (depending on the room and the size of the DTS). And the YWAM dorms are in the building directly behind the main YWAM center. So you won't have to walk far to get to class or breakfast.
In other YWAM locations you'll live in one building and walk, bike or drive over to the classroom and maybe another place for meals or to visit your other DTS friends.
3. Can I live off-campus if I want to?
No, part of what is really cool about DTS is that you live in community and that is so special. It's not easy but you learn so much about people, yourself and about God! There's always someone you can pray with or talk to or hangout with.
4. Can I bring my pet?
No pets, you'll be living in shared spaces and there won't be room for extra animal roommates.
5. Is food provided?
Yes, community is built over meals. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are all shared as a DTS community.
6. What does an average day look like?
Great question! Check out the Typical Day schedule above.
7. How many hours of class will I have?
In a bilingual DTS you will have at least 16 hours of teaching content each week, 12 hours if your DTS is only in one language.
8. How much homework will I have?
We don't have homework in the typical sense of writing exams. But there will be assignments each week to correlate with the week's teaching. Things like Bible reading, spiritual gifts tests, practicing a spiritual rhythm, reading an article or watching a video to prepare for the next day's class. Activities and assignments to help dive into the topic for the week using multiple styles of learning.
9. What is "work duty" and how much of it do I have to do?
Work duties are practical ways we as the whole YWAM community, DTS included, serve each other by helping to keep the place running.
Typically each student will spend 2 hours a day serving in a practical area at the YWAM center. This could be sweeping the dining room, preparing breakfast, raking the leaves on the lawn, washing guest bedding, cleaning bathrooms or at YWAM Nuremberg the legendary Bread Run.
Through work duties, you'll also be practicing leadership, growing in responsibility, teamwork and communication.
10. Will I get time off during DTS?
No, not in the sense of an extended holiday break. But there is generally an off-day or two each week.
1. Do I need a passport?
Yes, you do need a passport. Many students are coming from abroad and need a passport to enter Germany. And for Europeans coming to DTS, yes, you need a passport too. We will be going abroad for outreach phase!
And check the expiry date of your passport, you'll want it to last for at least 6 months after the end date of your DTS (that's a requirement for many of the visas we might need for outreach).
2. What should I pack?
Packing for 6 months can be challenging. Don’t stress too much about forgetting something.
But do think about the weather, especially if it is different from your home country. Think layers, clothing that can work in warmer and cooler climates.
Here's a good list to get you started:
- Clothes for Germany's weather
- Sports clothes
- Work clothes (something you can get dirty)
- A nice outfit
- Walking shoes and sandals
- House shoes/slippers
- Modest sleepwear (keep in mind that you will be living in a community house with shared rooms and bathrooms)
- Bath towel, toiletries and medications
- Musical instruments, sports equipment or art supplies (optional)
- Bible, journal, your favorite pens!
- Adapter : in Germany we have a standard European plug that is 220V
- A sleeping bag for outreach (backpacking style sleeping bags are quite small)
- Hiking backpack, they are a lot easier than a suitcase for outreach, 50-70 liters is a good size
At YWAM Nuremberg we are located in the middle of a decent sized city and there are tons of shops and second-hand stores. And is also a good place to find things you might need.
3. How much should I pack?
You can bring 1 checked baggage size item (suitcase or hiking backpack) and 1 carry-on size bag. Make sure you could carry everything yourself. It's better to pack lighter and then buy something you find you really need than carry around a bunch of extra items with you.
4. Do I need to buy health/travel insurance?
Yes, you will need insurance that covers you both during lecture phase and on outreach. Maybe your current insurance already does, but if they don't we can suggest a good insurance provider to use during DTS.
Insurance is not covered by your DTS fees.
5. Travel Immunizations & Health Forms
6. What day do I need to arrive?
There will be defined Arrival Days for every DTS. Check with your DTS team before booking flights so that you are sure you'll arrive on the correct days.
7. What if I am arriving late?
Definitely talk about this with your DTS team.
Sometimes arriving late just needs to happen (visa delays or family emergencies), but if it's just to get a cheaper flight - no, don't choose to come late to DTS.
There will be so much in those first days of DTS: meeting all your new DTS friends and staff, getting to know the YWAM location and how the whole DTS works, exploring the city, and teaching might already start on day 1 or 2. Trust us, you don't want to miss out!
1. Can I visit or tour before I apply?
Yes, for sure!!! We always love to meet people and make an in-person connection before DTS.
Just send us a message and let's find a good time for you to come by.
2. Are visitors allowed?
Yes, just talk with your DTS team about details.
3. Can visitors stay overnight at the YWAM location?
Yes, depending on availability overnight guests are welcome! For YWAM Nuremberg email the hospitality team to see if there is space available.