3 min read

The World Needs You: Why Your Story Matters

The World Needs You: Why Your Story Matters

Ever feel like your story doesn’t matter? Like the world is too big and you’re just one person among billions? Let me tell you - Your story matters and to understand your unique contribution to this world is essential.

Let's dive into the why, through the lens of two Biblical concepts: the Cultural Mandate from Genesis and the Great Commission from Jesus.


What is the Cultural Mandate?

Right in the beginning of the old Testament, in Genesis 1:28, God tells Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it.”

This sounds a bit intense at first, but is actually incredibly empowering. God is basically saying, “Hey, I made this world, now go, I trust you to develop it into something amazing.” This isn’t just about having kids or farming (though those are cool, too). It’s about creating.

You Were Made to Create

Building cultures, communities, and innovations that reflect God’s goodness.

In this digital age the possibilities to create are endless. Your point of view, creativity and motivations can lead to new ways of solving problems, connecting people, and creating beauty. Whether you’re into art, science, music, sports, or anything in between, you’re included into this divine mandate to shape the world. Your talents, passions, and dreams? They’re not random. They’re God-given tools to create.


The Great Commission: You Were Made to Go

Now let's jump to the New Testament and look at the Great Commission.

Jesus gives us the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20. “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” It’s like the Cultural Mandate taken to the next level. Not only are we called to create, but we’re also sent to spread God’s love everywhere.

Everyone's Included

And this mandate is not only for certain people, with “special roles” in church or ministry. Like we sometimes look at pastors or missionaries. It's for everyone. Yes, that includes you!
It doesn’t matter if you are student, an engineer, a gamer or a mom. Your personal journey, with all its ups and downs has an impact. Especially when we share our stories in a world often marked by anxiety, loneliness, and division, your experiences and insights can be a source of hope and inspiration.


Your Unique Contribution: The Power of One

So yes: every individual story counts. God didn’t make a mistake when He created you. Your experiences, struggles, victories, and even your quirks, all play a part in His bigger story. Think about the disciples – a bunch of fishermen, a tax collector, a zealot. Not exactly the people who we would pick first by worldly standards, but Jesus used them to change history.

No one else can bring to the table what you bring. Whether its your perspective, your voice, your story – it’s all part of God’s plan to reach and restore the world.


Living Out the Mandate and the Commission

But where do you start? How do we live this out?

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Passions: What makes you come alive? What are you naturally good at? What have other pointed out you do well? Dive into those things. These are hints of how you can contribute to God’s mission.
  2. Talents: Invest time and effort in developing your skills. We don’t become better at something without practice. Growing in your abilities is part of fulfilling the Cultural Mandate.
  3. Community: Find people who share your passions and values. Encourage each other, dream together, and support one another. We are not meant to do this alone.
  4. Faith: Keep learning about God and His love for you. The more you know Him, the more you’ll understand your role in His story.
  5. Boldness: Don’t be afraid to step out and try new things. This can be starting a conversation about Jesus or creating something new, be bold. God’s got your back.
  6. Love: At the end of the day, it’s all about love. Love God, love people. Everything else falls into place from there.

passion talents community faith boldness love


Your Story Intervenes with God's Bigger Story

Remember, you’re not just another person among billions. Your story matters - its more important than you think. Take on your role as a creator and a messenger of hope. When you understand that your story intervenes with God's bigger story it has the force to shape the world.  So go out there, live boldly, create beautifully, and share passionately - the world needs you.


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