Go, Grow, Change the World

Helping you Grow with God & Go Anywhere

YWAM missionary sitting on a rocky cliff in Nepal

2 min read

2017/18 Annual Report

Four years ago a team of 18 young people packed up their lives and relocated to Nuremberg, Germany to pioneer the first YWAM base in the city, carrying a vision to see the next wave of missionaries launched into the nations. This original team of...

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black and white photography,  the hands and feet of 2 dancing kids in East Africa

1 min read

2016 Annual Report

We want to thank you for your partnership and financial support in this last year! Because of your generous gifts, financial contributions, and...

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two YWAM missionaries taking photos in an urban area

1 min read

Why Artists Make Great Missionaries

At first sight, this might seem a strange combination. I certainly have felt like the odd one out in many situations. Too missional for artists, to...

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