1 min read

A Better Tomorrow? We’re on it!

A Better Tomorrow? We’re on it!

Recently I heard that 75% of Gen Z believe our generation can (and will) change the world.1 Can you imagine what that change would look like if we all followed Jesus?!

An even more exciting statistic is that 82% of Christian Gen-Zers think it’s important to share our faith and almost 80% actually do it!2

We might be a little out there sometimes, but we gotta own up to the fact that when Gen-Zers decide to make something happen, we actually have the audacity to do it. Whether it’s battling climate change, challenging brands to do better, or advocating for minorities, we are on a roll and the momentum is evidently growing.

What if the number of Christian Gen Z grew? What if we became bolder in sharing our faith? What if the result was lives transformed forever? I think the most effective way for Gen Z to change the world is for us to be encountered by the Gospel and begin living it.


Here are some practical ways we can see Gen Z encountered by the Gospel:


1. Get in a Jesus loving community

We were meant to do life together as a family! No lone wolves here

2. Read the Bible

This helps us grow, mature, and be more like Jesus

3. Do what you hear God say

Let’s be obedient and follow where He leads!

Let’s kill the passivity that slows us down and embrace the boldness we receive through Christ! Grab a friend and do these things, and if you already are… go tell someone about this Jesus you so deeply love.


Let's change the world! 

Spend 6 months going all in for Jesus in community and sharing Him with the world.

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Let's set up a Zoom sesh, we're here to help!



1 LBB Online. (2020). Gen-Zers Believe They Can Change the World Despite Their Anxiety According to New Survey. Retrieved from: https://lbbonline.com/news/gen-zers-believe-they-can-change-the-world-despite-their-anxiety-according-to-new-survey

2 Christianity Today. (2021). Gen Z Wants to Talk about Faith. Retrieved from: https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2021/august/gen-z-evangelism-faith-conversations-jesus-barna.html 

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